We are a company founded in 1995 as one person with a passion for electronics began helping himself and local laundromat owners repair equipment. It has now evolved to include many Happy employees and customers with alot of inbetween business stuff we won't bore you with. We have always provided our customers with the industry's best value and maintained excellent customer relationships. Although we have gotten a bit larger, our attention to what's important has remained at the core of our business. We provide excellent personalized customer service, the highest quality repair work, and the best prices in the laundromat equipment repair industry. We know that value is defined by everyone with different criteria, so we do our best at every aspect of the value chain from easy order placement to 'no-questions-asked' warranty repairs. Basically we know what it's like to own a business and need to save money, thats why we aren't out to offer the cheapest or to markup OEM equipement. Everyone of us also knows what it's like to be treated like a customer and not a number; it makes us Happy. |
Diane and I take pride in developing strong business relations with coin laundry professionals and we strive to ensure our employees are trained to do every aspect of the business from repair to manufacturing to shipping. Our dedication to your Let us help you... |